Shein, a wildly popular online retailer known for its incredibly low prices and super fast delivery, has been featuring possible fake makeup on their app and website. This includes high-end luxury brands like Estee Lauder, Nars, and Tom Ford, which are being sold at surprisingly low prices. 🛍️💄
The company, which makes $30 billion a year, has a massive audience and is able to sell products frequently. This raises questions about whether these luxury brands would actually choose to sell on Shein, given its reputation for affordability and fast fashion. 🤔💸
Despite Shein's own makeup brand, Sheglam, being relatively affordable and functional, the presence of fake luxury makeup on their platform could be a significant deterrent for potential customers. This revelation might make shoppers reconsider their purchases from Shein, especially those looking for genuine luxury beauty products. ⚠️🚫